WHAT REALLY HAPPENEDHere is the complete sequence of events in that Mitsubishi Montero Sport incident. See for yourself. Two things immediately jump out:1. They were having serious difficulty parking the vehicle into the slot they were targeting, so much so that it necessitated a change of drivers; and2. The brake lights were PERFECTLY FINE. How come they stopped functioning all of a sudden when the second driver took the wheel?Another question: How come ABS-CBN didn't show the early part of the video? Just asking.
Posted by TOP GEAR PHILIPPINES on Thursday, 26 November 2015
Hogyan törj össze minden néhány pillanat alatt?
https://formula.hu./egyeb/2015/11/27/hogyan-torj-ossze-minden-nehany-pillanat-alatt 2015-11-27 13:54:00 2015-11-27 13:54:00
A Fülöp-szigeteki Top Gear mutatta be az alábbi felvételt, melynek valódiságában sokan kételkednek ugyan, az mindenesetre biztos, hogy egészen elképesztő jelenet bontakozik ki előttünk...