DIGITÁLIS MAGAZIN Pontállások Versenynaptárak
2025. február 24. hétfő

Hogyan törj össze minden néhány pillanat alatt?

A Fülöp-szigeteki Top Gear mutatta be az alábbi felvételt, melynek valódiságában sokan kételkednek ugyan, az mindenesetre biztos, hogy egészen elképesztő jelenet bontakozik ki előttünk...

Here is the complete sequence of events in that Mitsubishi Montero Sport incident. See for yourself. Two things immediately jump out:1. They were having serious difficulty parking the vehicle into the slot they were targeting, so much so that it necessitated a change of drivers; and2. The brake lights were PERFECTLY FINE. How come they stopped functioning all of a sudden when the second driver took the wheel?Another question: How come ABS-CBN didn't show the early part of the video? Just asking.

Posted by TOP GEAR PHILIPPINES on Thursday, 26 November 2015
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